For women in disadvantaged communities a bra is often unobtainable or unaffordable. This project collects new and second hand bras and sends them wherever we have requests.
Media and Publicity

Media Release May 2019 (PDF 304kb)

Media highlights: News August 2019 Pacific Mornings article: "Millions of bras sent to uplift Pacific women in countries where underwear costs a day's wage" (opens in new window). News August 2019 Article: "Why this organisation is collecting millions of old bras" (opens in new window).

Prevention Magazine March 2012 Uplift Project featured in article "Find New Homes for Everyday Items" (PDF - opens in new window).

Ballarat Courier newspaper article November, 2011 (opens in new window).

3News NZ segment Video on YouTube. September 4th 2008 (opens in new window).

Radio National - Life Matters podcast of feature segment 18th February 2009 (opens in new window).

ABC Radio National transcript of PM segment 24 July 2008 (opens in new window).

The Age newspaper article February, 2008 (opens in new window).

Guidelines for publicising the Uplift Project.

Press release material is available from the

Publicity rarely goes wrong, but one conversation with a Consul is enough in a lifetime, so may we ask:

If lifting material from our website:

Please do not reproduce the press articles/photos from our website without copyright permission from the authors. Someone copied The Age's photo onto her blog, and also lifted pictures from our site without checking with us.

In indigenous Fijian culture it is not acceptable to view pictures of a person who has passed away. Images will be removed from our site as necessary, we have lost one lady already.

Text read throughs.

Before anything goes to press, the national coordinator, or the relevant state coordinator if appropriate, should have a "read through", where the journalist reads the text to us, and we can request changes. This is standard journalistic practice, not an onerous request.

We will scan for inadvertent misrepresentation of:

National/large group promotion notification.

If planning any large or national promotion, please let us know. Such promotions can create a big workload for our volunteer coordinators, most of whom have full time jobs too, and if 2 or 3 hit simultaneously we can get a bit snowed under.


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